Life in the Slow Lane

July 11, 2008

Sonogram reveals busy little bee

Filed under: Parenting — pauljlane @ 2:44 pm

My wife and I went to have a sonogram done this past week for her first trimester exam.

If that test is any indication, we’ll have our hands full when Baby No. 2 arrives in January.

Throughout the roughly 40-minute exam, the baby moved, kick, twitched and contorted like Houdini escaping from his milk bottle. The baby even waved at us a couple times and did some can-can kicks for good measure.

We also got a sort-of look at the baby’s face, which is starting to take shape in there. You can’t tell the gender (we’re waiting to find out like we did with Penny) but you could see the little heartbeat on the screen, which was quite remarkable.

Proving that the baby is mommy’s child, Baby No. 2 was quite stubborn in giving the technician the measurements needed for the exam. Baby finally relented after quite some time, but it’s almost like I’ve seen such iron will before somewhere …

Penny was happy to see pictures we got of the sonogram, and she still pats Mommy’s tummy and sends kisses down Mommy’s mouth to greet the little one. Even if she has a hard time adjusting to being a big sister, it seems she’ll have genuine love for her younger sibling.

Judging by the frequent ear tugs and hair pulls Penny still gives the dog, her TLC might need a little work. But none of us can wait to see Baby No. 2 in the flesh, nor to see how Penny receives her younger sibling.

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